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SKSE $(word) problem


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I have the Skyrim version and skse version 1.04.10 (just installed as I am new to modding). Now my problem is that I have a "$" Symbol in front of every word in the menu and also ingame menu. Is there any way to fix this?
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I'm actually having the same problem. Is there a manual fix to replace the missing "translation file"?


EDIT: I figured it out. In the readme for SkyUI, which is what I started using when I started receiving the $[word] glitch it addressed the issue.


Problem: There are dollar signs ($) in front of all words in the main menu (and in lots of other places, too)!


Solution: This happens if you accidently removed 'Data/Interface/Translate_<language>.txt'. The downloaded SkyUI archive contains the

original versions of these files in 'SkyUI Extras/Original Translates/'.

So just copy the file matching your language from there back to 'Data/Interface/'.


So, what I did was simply download SkyUI without the mod-manager, unzip it, look for the "Translate_ENGLISH.txt" file and move it into the appropriate Date/Interface/etc. folder.


It worked for me, I hope it works for you, zamna. 8)

Edited by JeddrickWilde
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