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A bit of the "hello world" tutorial I don't understand

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I'm trying to learn scripting, and I don't understand part of the basic "Hello world" tutorial at https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Hello_World . I want to understand this so I can do some debug message boxes in a script I'm (trying) to make.


The script code is

Event OnInit()
Debug.MessageBox("Hello from a Debug MessageBox!")

The part I don't understand is the "pHelloWorld.Show()". From what I understand it doesn't do anything because there's nothing in the (), so what does it do?

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It means that phelloworld is a property of type message and it has method show() which is called on it to be showed. When you fill phelloworld property with needed message, show () method will show the text which is stored in that particular message form.


It's display visual is the same as debug messages, but you have more control with message form.

Edited by shavkacagarikia
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