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-KEEP WATCH- Companion Lookout Mod


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I think it would be a cool idea if you could have your companion (Comp) keep guard, in which Comp will stay put and bark or growl (if dog) and callout (If person) when they see an enemy (or anyone).


This could be useful when sneaking through a building, whether friendly or not, and you'd like to get up to some mischief, but you don't want to keep looking back to see if anyone is watching you.


Upon spotting someone, Comp (as I said) will bark or growl, or callout, but will also give you a message in the top left saying, "Comp has spotted someone" or "Someone is coming"; allowing you time to recall your companion and go into hiding or leave.


You will be able to select this option wherever your companion is standing, in which they'll crouch to avoid instant detection and begin looking out all around them (If that's not too realistic, perhaps a system could be put in place in which you tell them where to look).



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something like this would be great.

personally I would have a menu for what to look out for and another for the companion's reaction.


that way you could get them to cause a distraction and draw people away from your location, or keep hidden but let you know that a guard is about to come round a corner, etc.


you could also expand it to add a 2-way radio so your companion could let you know what is happening and you can change his orders on the fly

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