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Need script help for a timer.


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Did you mean adding auto at the end of the script like I did below?

GotoState ("auto")


I tried placing it in the first script and it didn't seem to have an effect.


Scriptname aaIncomeScript extends Quest 

MiscObject Property Gold  Auto  ;I set the gold from the game for this
Quest Property  InnQuest  Auto

Event OnInit() ; This event will run once, when the script is initialized

State Running
 Event OnBeginState()
   Debug.Trace("Entered the running state!")

State polling	

Event OnUpdateGameTime()			
	if (InnQuest.GetStage() == 20)
                       Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Gold, 300, true) ; gives player 300 gold
		Debug.Trace("Got what we needed, so stop polling!")
		GotoState ("auto")


I have the script above tied to a Quest. The quest is activated via initialization from a menu script, that seems to be working for it's other functions. This is the only thing stopping my progression in finishing... Thank you for coming this far with me. Hopefully I can find a solution soon.

Edited by dontpanic
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No, I mean like this:

auto State polling


You need to include something like this in your OnInit event:


You also need to use that function whenever your script should change states. It won't do what you want unless you tell it to, after all.



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I was able to get the script to give me the item after 1 day (I set one day for testing), but it won't give me anything after that. I want it to continuously provide 300 gold every one week.


Scriptname aaIncomeScript extends Quest 

MiscObject Property Gold  Auto  ;I set the gold from the game for this
Quest Property  InnQuest  Auto
ObjectReference Property PlayerSafe  Auto  

Event OnInit() ; This event will run once, when the script is initialized
      GoToState ("polling")

State Running
 Event OnBeginState()
   Debug.Trace("Entered the running state!")

auto State polling

Event OnUpdateGameTime()			
	if (InnQuest.GetStage() == 20)
                   PlayerSafe.AddItem(Gold, 300, true) ; gives Safe 300 gold
		Debug.Trace("Got what we needed, so stop polling!")
		GotoState ("active")

Edited by dontpanic
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You've told your script to go to a state called "active" (which you haven't defined in your script), and it's never told to return to your "polling" state. I don't see any advantage to using states in this script in the first place, to be honest. They're adding complexity without solving any problems.



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