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What are your top 5 must have mods?


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Mine would be... (and in order)


1. "SkyUI" - (duh) I have to include "Better Sorting" and "Categorized Favorites Menu" in this choice as they are (to me) all elements of the same improvement.


2. "Skyrim HD 2K Textures" - Obviously for it's many improvement on graphics.


3. "A Quality Worldmap with Roads" - It's made navigation much nicer for me and it just looks better.


4. "Glowing Ore Veins 300" - Some folks don't like this because it's like cheating. I say - it saves my eyeballs. Cheating? It's just ore.


5. "Colored Map Markers" - I like that my current quests now have a green marker in the directional compass let alone the map. I consider this the most under-rated mod on the Nexus.


Please don't flame my choices or anyone else's. Next?

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The mod which removes Lydia's "I'm sworn to carry your burdens" is a must have for me :P.

FAIL. He didn't ask you to list one, but five.


Anyway, mine are:

  1. SkyUI
  2. Vurt's Skyrim Flora Overhaul
  3. Midas Magic
  4. Glowing Ore Veins
  5. Wars in Skyrim

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1. SkyUI

2. Weapons and armor fixes

3. Jaysus swords (either that or third era weapons but I would prefer Jaysus more. 3rd era weapons are a bit boring)

4. dual wield sprint animation replacer (with swords and magic in one mod if I could find one otherwise just dual wield weapons)

5. Categorized favorites menu


Well not in that particular order it's just as they came to me. I have a lot more others but those are some that I would definitely need. Also I would've chosen Tytanis mod but the guy's disappeared and he hasn't be supporting his mod for a couple of months.

Edited by babis8142
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4. dual wield sprint animation replacer (with swords and magic in one mod if I could find one otherwise just dual wield weapons)

5. Categorized favorites menu

Is #4 this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=1987 ? I was hoping it was first person...

And I agree with #5, so helpful! And Jaysus Swords!

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1. Confident ENB - This makes the game look so amazing I would never even consider playing without it.

2. SkyUI - For obvious reasons.

3. Xenius Character Enhancement

4. HD 2K textures

5. Balanced Magic - Makes a mage actually worth playing.


I have well over 100 mods installed but these are some of my favorites.

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In no particular order:


1. SkuUI - default is terrible

2. Skyrim Community Uncapper - I don't want to grind Basket Weaving so my wizard can keep leveling up.

3. Realistic Lightning with Customization - Spooky dark dungeons, nights that make you carry a torch or just plain think about staying home.

4. Weapon and Armor Fixes - So many items are just completely messed up in vanilla.

5. Spells Scale with Skill - my own poor little WIP magic scaling fix. Still in its infancy; I've yet to go through and mess with individual spells.

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1. FXAA Injector (custom preset with default lighting and reasonable sharpening = amazing)

2. Realistic Lighting without FXAA (I still use the Injector and both look great together)

3. Dozens of retextures..too many to list. Still, all a must have.

4. Compass Tuner (ideal for RPing)

5. Quality Worldmap with Roads (Why are there no roads on the vanilla map?! Poor console guys :()

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1. UNP

2. True Groundcover (never pass up an opportunity to shamelessly promote yourself)

3. SKSE (not really a mod, but... it's necessary)

4. Duel - Combat Realism

5. No perk prerequisites (Why would I need to learn some of those skills in such a weird order?)

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I'm surprised a lot of people like SkyUI, I can't stand it personally. For me, it would probably be:

1. All my replacement textures

2. FXAA Injector

3. Realistic Ragdolls and Force

4. Epic Thuum (Mod I'm almost finished working on)

5. Categorized favorites menu

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