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Multiple body textures


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Do you mean the DropDownMenu with Skin Tint, Default , Environment Map,...?

I havn't there a 5 or 1. From here I don't know what to do.

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Ahh ... I'm still using Nifskope RC5 not RC6 so maybe that's why it's different ... Hmmm we need someone like Throttlekitty (or someone else experienced with RC6) to help with that, as I'm not sure what the different names mean ... I'd GUESS that you would set it to 'default' and not 'skin tint' but maybe something else is better ... Sorry
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The game overrides texture paths, transparencies etc whenever 'people skin' is involved. One way to prevent this is by removing any flag that refers the file to use RGB skin tints, etc. You'll have to modify the texture of that custom skin in that case to match each of your characters manually, so it doesn't make for a good solution unless it is a mod for personal use with one or two characters wearing it only.


If the texture looks strange on the new body, the best solution is probably re-doing the UV map in Blender, Maya, wherever to be compatible with the stock layout of skin textures. That way it will load things proper.

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The game overrides texture paths, transparencies etc whenever 'people skin' is involved. One way to prevent this is by removing any flag that refers the file to use RGB skin tints, etc. You'll have to modify the texture of that custom skin in that case to match each of your characters manually, so it doesn't make for a good solution unless it is a mod for personal use with one or two characters wearing it only.


If the texture looks strange on the new body, the best solution is probably re-doing the UV map in Blender, Maya, wherever to be compatible with the stock layout of skin textures. That way it will load things proper.


The above comment is incorrect I'm afraid, please ignore.


The game WILL quite happily 'override' skin textures, provided that the correct shader type is selected ... In Nifscope RC5, you could change the value in the Shader Type field from 5 to 1 and then set whatever texture paths you liked

See my armor mods here Virtually all of them use a 'body' mesh with a retextured skin file, WITH the Shader Type set to 1 instead of 5


As I said in my previous post, we simply need someone who has experience with RC6 to give us a hint about what the various options mean

Edited by Perraine
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Ahh ... I'm still using Nifskope RC5 not RC6 so maybe that's why it's different ... Hmmm we need someone like Throttlekitty (or someone else experienced with RC6) to help with that, as I'm not sure what the different names mean ... I'd GUESS that you would set it to 'default' and not 'skin tint' but maybe something else is better ... Sorry




on my Notebook I have an older Version of NifScope and now I know, what do you mean with 1 or 5. In the new NivSope is that the Pulldownmenu with the Words: Skin Tint=2, Face Tint=5,...


but I have a problem with the skin: it`s very dark:




My favorite Body-Mod is UNP and this FantasyArmor uses CBBE.

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It's very dark in Nifskope?

Or very dark In game?

Don't worry if it looks dark in Nifskope, it's because Nifskope only has a very basic rendering/lighting setup, If it looks to dark in game though, you may need to start adjusting your textures, try changing the alpha mask channel on your normal map and also (if you are using one) your 'mask' (***_m.dds file)

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I've got it!


The strange armor (for CBBE3) will now display the correct color, so that this much healthier and more natural.

Thanks for help and the MBT-Plugin!


Only the feet are still correct, but I get that also.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I need your help again.


I've reworked the mod "BBP sexy Elves" by Alan accordingly, so that I can use them in "my" base-body mod UNP.

However, it is not loaded on the second clothes texture.

The first dress, but it's all right and I don't know where the fault could lie.

Actually, I worked on the second dress just like the first dress. *brooding*



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It looks like a skin texture misalignment ... Most of the body meshes have very specific UV maps, even though they 'claim' to use the the original Bethesda UV maps, I've yet to see a single one that actually lines up perfectly. You may need to experiment a little with different 'skin' textures, the ones by Navetsea seem to be very popular and are (almost) perfectly fit onto the various meshes, various other modders have made slight alterations to those textures to suit slim/curvy/muscular meshes ...
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