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Had an idea about how a proper degradation system in Skyrim could maybe work


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I was curious about how a proper degradation mod could work in Skyrim. I'm aware of the existence of mods like "Loot and Degradation" as well as "Weapons and Armor Degradation and Repair", However these mods are fairly script heavy and have quite a few caveats about them i.e. Loot and Degradation cant tell if you hit something with your sword and subsequently just swinging at the air causes it to loose durability. Then I realized that the enchantment system is Skyrim already works in a way like a durability system in that its able to keep track of whether you hit something or not, and has an already existing UI element to represent the status of it. The question is, would it be possible to create a mod that works similarly to the enchantment system that could be used to track the "durability" of a specific weapon. Sorry if my question may be obvious but i'm not familiar with the intricacies of how Skyrim's engine works (or the limits of the CK and Papyrus) and posed this question because I could not find any similar topic anywhere else. I also don't know whether something like this could be in any way possible but any help with this question would be very welcome.

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