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NVSE Not Detected by NMM, but ~GetNVSEVersion reveals it is installed and working...

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So I have never modded Fallout New Vegas before but with my knowledge of Skyrim modding and SKSE I decided to jump in and installed NVSE V5 on my New Vegas after running the game for the first time.
Now when I boot the game and use the ~ key to enter GetNVSEVersion to confirm I installed NVSE right it says that it has detected version 5 of NVSE. So then it's working right? Guess not... because when launched from the NVSE Loader application the game works fine even with mods that require NVSE as it should, but installing some mods reveals a pop up on Nexus Mod Manager claiming I don't have NVSE... (specifically the Mod Configuration Menu mod) This is where I get confused.
Any help friends?

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More than likely you installed NVSE using NMM. Don't do that as it places the files in the wrong location. Please see the 'Checklist item #4' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


You are using "Project Nevada", which comes with an older version of MCM included. You need to use the newer "standalone" version of MCM and install it after PN. It has a FOMOD script which NMM should be able to run to take care of cleaning up the PN menus. If that does not, let me know and I'll give you instructions on which entries to keep and which to lose.


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I did not install NVSE using NMM, I installed it manually after watching several up-to-date instructional videos on how to do so to be safe.
I do know Project Nevada has an older version, but trying to install the standalone MCM is what I'm doing and it says I don't have NVSE during the install, that's my issue.

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  • 2 months later...

Do you by chance also have "Project Nevada" (PN) installed? That contains an older version of MCM. You need the newer "standalone" version of MCM installed after PN. Please see the wiki "HUD-UI-Menu issues" article.


Older mods may not be testing for the NVSE versions after 4 correctly. That is a problem with those mods (though most have been updated), not NVSE. However, the "standalone MCM" does not have that problem.



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