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CTD when FT to Kynesgrove, or sometimes just East.


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Older games are OK, but recently I cannot FT to Kynesgrove with newer PCs, sometimes even running east. N,S, W travel is OK. Suspect some mod messed with Kynesgrove, but it's not obvious. Have tried unticking many mods. Thought I would ask before I untick them all and start over. Recently saw in the new "Bruma" mod comments that someone else had the same problem, made her quit Oldrim and just play SSE.



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In case anyone reads this, I discovered the fix/cause. DO NOT use "Remove a Script with Invalid ...." from Advanced Settings in "Save Cleaner" mod. As it warns, and I did not believe, it can and will remove valid script (unfinished-setstage) code lines, like Kynesgrove and (probably, for me) the Companions' "Re-emerge from Werewolf transformation plotline" stage, whatever that one is called.


Save Cleaner is a wonderful tool that will help you move your game along and clean lagging/load times, but don't overdo it. Don't get greedy like I did.


["I spend more time maintaining my game than playing it"]

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