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The Mirrior of Galadriel


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^ topic: If you looked into the Mirrior of Galadriel, what would you see??


I would probably see myself getting into college, only to be expelled for repeat accounts of indecent exposure, or I could even see myself graduate and actually getting a job =)


If I saw events from my past, I would see moving vans taking things from my parent's old house, and moving the items into their new house.


And if I saw something that described what would happen if I didn't change my ways, I would be sitting in a chair in my trailer, half naked and watching Food Network drinking near-beer..... XD


What would you see?



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I think he meant that the rule Daerk laid down for this forum was that all threads had to be related to Tolkien lore being implemented in ME-Mod, so in effect your question has to be about Me-Mod, else you are breaking the rules of the forum and would therefore have this thread locked :D


Anyway, perhaps they would use some kind of, er, cutscene or, um... To be honest, i cant see how even the ME-Mod team can get it to work, since it is based on the future, which is completely dependent on a persons actions (at least in the gaming world anyway), and since the game cannot predict the future, then i guess it wold be imposible to use correctly.


However, i could be wrong (stereotypical disclaimer no. 2)

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