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Automated Sorting and Displaying


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I remember someone seeing a system like this in New Vegas. Basically, you would have a number of container meant for a certain item (such as 5.56 rounds). You would press a switch and it would automatically take the items from your inventory and sort them out to its respective container. Then you would press another switch, and it would take the items in each container and set them out onto a shelf or something neatly. If anyone's used the mod "Underwater Hideout" in New Vegas (used in other mods too), you likely know what I'm talking about. Imagine something like that implemented in Skyrim for potions, arrows, ingots, ingredients, etc. to make life easier. I don't have the skill to make something like this, but maybe this'll give someone who does the idea and perhaps the inspiration to do so.
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  • 3 months later...
Ive become obsessed with a similar mod idea but it has also had zero replies. These ideas could seriously improve the experience of the game by reducing mundane tasks but no one seems to care or like you and me, lacks the skill to implement it :(
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