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!st Person - 3rd person camera change script


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Hi all,


Well, I don't find scripting with papyrus as easy as with Oblivion/FO3/FNV... I don't understand it much (and I don't have too much time to spend either). Anyway...


I know what I want but don't know how to script it (but it should be possible!).


When in combat (If player.IsInCombat() == 1 (I think)) then camera is 1st person (Game.ForceFirstPerson())

When NOT in combat (If player.IsInCombat() == 0) then camera is 3rd person (Game.ForceThirdPerson())


I just don't understand how to fit it on a script... you know, event, script, aksource... Don't get it!

Anyway, for a auto third person/first person camera change, it would be good! Third for exploration, first for combat!

If anyone has time to do a little script, you might want to try it!




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