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Need assistance with quests, semi completed mod.


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Dead in the water here, nothings working.......


úWÀÞ     OHBÍ Journal.psc JET JET-PC  Journal   GetState 	GotoState hidden conditional ReferenceAlias 7Event OnRead()
endEvent None 9Function that switches this object to the specified state newState String 	::NoneVar 
onEndState self ::state onBeginState 'Function that returns the current state    OHBË                         k                 	       


That's a notepad look at the journal script the editor created.


heres another script my editor created in notepad thats not used:


úWÀÞ     OHD$ QF_WaterfallKey_0102D8D3.psc JET JET-PC " QF_WaterfallKey_0102D8D3   GetState 	GotoState Fragment_11 Fragment_21 
Fragment_7 Fragment_17 Fragment_19 hidden conditional Quest ::Alias_Journal000_var referencealias ::Alias_doornote_var ::Alias_WaterfallKey_var ::Alias_getstaff_var Alias_getstaff ReferenceAlias Alias_WaterfallKey Alias_doornote Alias_Journal000 NONE 	::nonevar SetObjectiveCompleted self SetObjectiveDisplayed 9Function that switches this object to the specified state newState String 
onEndState ::state onBeginState 'Function that returns the current state    OHD"                              % &       . /       7       ? @  	  
                       (         2                       
            !                                                                            ( 

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My bad those were the .pex files and not the .psc. the .psc isn't correct though. this is the .psc, not the same as what I copied.


Scriptname Journal extends ReferenceAlias  
{Event OnRead()




Event OnRead()


If I have to manually write the code for each script then what use is the editor? compile creates something i did not do and does not work. this is f***ed up.

Edited by jet4571
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For the on read script i just used the default "DefaultOnReadSetQuestStagenoalias" already got properties set up for you and no need to modify the source directly.

and for the QuestStage papayrus fragments kmyQuest i used this:





You may not want those codes for every stage though, it depends on the quest you are running i guess. I just used this for simple quest training, scripting is not my cup of tea so it's not like i know much about it yet, a lot easier to understand the scripts here than it was in the aurora toolset though.

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defaultsetstageonplayeracquire would be the default one for picking up the key? If the 2 defaults work then that makes making the quest 100X simpler without having to deal with making the scripts. Also if theres a script error it wont be mine and i am sure to make a ton of them.
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Yes Acquire scripts works like a charm, i used that to update stages when my character picked up the note. I only start to script if i need something very specific to be honest.... I've made a few scripts by copy/paste strings and renaming variables to make them compile without errors, but the problem arises when a trigger does not start the event as planned, even if the script itself really do specificly tell what the trigger should do so i share your frustration when it comes to troubleshooting scripts..it is a pain in the backside with no or little background experience with scripting.
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Worse when the language looks like gobbledygook crappola gibberish. Anyway the quest didnt start so i messed something up somewhere. tutorial shows an empty stage 0 as the quest start... Ok got that. read note nothing happens. change start to stage 10 and the quest begins when the game loads and the note is untouched. note is marked as the target instead of the key(wrong alias for the stage). pick up note and nothing. get the key and nothing. the journal and nothing. using the console command and it works. objectives all point to the alias and the alias has the 2 default scripts.


here is an exact rundown of what i am trying to do and an idea of what i did.


stage 0 nothing in it. marked as the quest begin exactly like in the tutorial.


stage 10 is when you pick up the note and should redirect you to Orotheim to get the key.

stage10 objective has the note alias marked and some text at the top for the journal.

note alias has the defaultonread script.


stage 20 is when you pick up the key redirecting you back to the house to find the note.

stage 20 objective has the key as the alias and journal text.

key alias has the default on pick up script.


stage 30 is when you pick up the journal in the house, it should redirect you to Rorikstead to talk to Mralki the bartender.

stage 30 objective has the journal alias marked and text for journal.

journal alias has the defaultonread script.


Stage 40 uses the bendu olo tutorial. basically the introduction part with different question and answer. saying that will be perfect to him starts stage 50 and thats the end stage that completes the quest.


So its back to the tutorials to find out why the stages are not updating when the objectives get met or if i am missing something completely. I think I need to make 0 or insert a stage 5 to have the note as the alias 10 the key, and 20 the journal, and 30 mralki 40 uses the dialogue. 50 is the end (as of now, it will be enabling the staff, but I need to add the markers and disable them as well as check the house upgrade quests and copy those scripts or if they all use the same then just use it with markers as the alias to enable).




Ok some progress here. added stage 5 with note alias rearranged the alias in the objectives because I had them all wrong. I added the scripts to the items and picking up the note started the quest and redirected me to find the key.. thats where progress ended. so back to find why the key didn't kick it to the journal.

Edited by jet4571
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So I decided to start from scratch. deleted the old quest. saved, closed. deleted the old scripts from the folder because the editor is retarded and wont do it. opened the editor created a new quest named differently than the last one. hit the ok button open it again and then start adding the parts required. Now the editor wont create a new quest and compile scripts. the quest is there but no file created in the scripts folder.



Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...

Compiling "QF_AAWaterfallHome_01031972"...

d:\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(110,5): unknown type key

d:\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(112,5): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?)

d:\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(112,29): cannot compare a none to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)

d:\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(113,3): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?)

d:\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(269,13): unknown type key

No output generated for QF_AAWaterfallHome_01031972, compilation failed.


Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

Failed on QF_AAWaterfallHome_01031972




Edited by jet4571
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restarted my computer. started a new mod, started making a quest, followed the steps in the tutorial exactly. entered the info as it said to. hit OK the window closed, open and edit, only thing done was add a stage and log entry to get the papyrus fragment box. put this in it:





Hit compile and again same error.


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...

Compiling "QF_AAtest_01000D62"...

d:\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(110,5): unknown type key

d:\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(112,5): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?)

d:\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(112,29): cannot compare a none to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)

d:\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(113,3): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?)

d:\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\ObjectReference.psc(269,13): unknown type key

No output generated for QF_AAtest_01000D62, compilation failed.


Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

Failed on QF_AAtest_01000D62

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