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Skyrim script maker


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This is not a mod request but a tool request.

before i go into detail i think it will help if i mention if you have used the starcraft 2 editor.

if so you will know what i am talking about. just try to make it identical like that.

Scripting is hard. especially for beginners.

so what i propose is a tool that has some basic prebuilt scripts that can be modified!

it would also have each word by itself. think of it as a cheat sheet that can be used to write those scripts at the same time.

if you have played with the starcraft 2 editor you will have seen the script editor like it. it made EVERYTHING easier.

i just have a hard time learning how to script and i think i can use a tool like that to help me learn much easier.

thanks for your time.

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I figured with the new skyrim creation kit taking all the time they did to make it they would implement something to make quest's and scripting easier (they could) but nope still the same as g.e.ck. and still ripping my hair out trying to figure half of the simplest thing's out. IMHO
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