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[Request] Increased horse whistle delay/distance

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Each time I whistle for Roach, he instantly emerges from the nearest bush behind me. It's like Geralt forgot where he parked the thing and turns around and is like "Oh, there you were all along! Silly me".


I hate to be the one to say "ruins mah immershun", but it does ruin my immersion. :P I don't mind waiting 10 extra seconds for it to be more believable. I think the best way would be to just increase the distance from the player when Roach spawns, so you can see him coming towards you in the distance rather than just have him appear out of thin air. Also, if that were the case, he wouldn't need to appear from behind the camera each time. Just give him a random angle to appear from.


Should be simple for someone who knows where to look in the scripts. What do you think?


Thanks in advance!

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