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Copyright violations?


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Hi everyones.


I just receive an e-mail from a producer concerning my mod here rose geant


I know there is a lot of inspiration about tv, film and other games on Nexus, but before I call him, cause He give me is phone number, inspiration, using a name belong to the show, is it illegal?


I undersand stealing people is not right, I am very again that, but now I just little bit nervous. I don't feel like a bad one, I don't try to make profit out of it.


Don't know what to do!


Thank for Help.

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I am not really sure what you are asking, but if you are afraid that he will sue you over copyright, then the best thing to do is to call him back, see what he wants. And level with him. Just say you are a fan of (insert thing here) and that you didn't know, and you make no money from it, and if he would like you will gladly remove it.


Best of luck to you..But in the future when creating content closely or completely based off another persons work its best to check the copyright laws before hand.

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you are allowed to be inspired. As long as you made this yourself, it is no different then fan art. :armscrossed:


That would be like messaging a 2 year old for drawing a picture of their cartoon idol. Stupid. As long as you didn't rip any content or try to sell anything I'd say your in the clear. But obviously there are way too many generic things in any law that any lawyer can twist until your neck snaps. :wallbash:


I really doubt you did anything illegal though.


EDIT: If anything they should reward you. I never even heard of that till now lmao.

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I check and but nothing is clear, inspiration seen to be good, but Rose Geant realy! Google is full of rose geant.

I don't have problem changing his name, but the thing is...; fan arts is far away from copyright violation.


I hope is not about thing like, if you wear a spiderman t-shirt you are wrong, you theft Marvel!

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Regardless this is a valid point for you to bring up should they accuse you of violating their rights. Personally I see this as abuse. But regardless you should call them and see what they want anyways, and see what their claim is.


Maybe they do have some legit claim, who knows. But don't be worried, nothing bad will come out of it. Other than maybe needing to alter ur mod away from their series.


I doubt you took any textures or stuff from them right? You just used pictures and stuff to try to recreate it all?


keep us informed... it's not everyday a producer tells you to call them you know.

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This is not fun at all, but thank for reply;


His message;


Bonjour M. Pinsonneault, Je suis (*mister something*) de Télfiction, producteur de la série 1,2,3 Géant. Êtes-vous celui qui a produit le jeu ROSE GÉANT? Si oui, contactez-moi svp au (*111-111-111 poste 111*)


Hello Mr. Pinsonneault, I'm (*mister something*) of Télfiction, producer of the series 1,2,3 Giant. Are you the one who produced the game ROSE GIANT? If so, please contact me at (*111-111-111 ext * 111 *)



*censored by me*

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Speculation can get one in a LOT of legal hot water. Don't do it.


Call the person and find out what they have issue with, and find out what they want you to do. Once you have that you can decide on a course of action, not before.

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Well this intrigued me enough to do some research. But this is US law for copyrights. IDK if it is different for you. An interesting read regardless. I see they would have a claim here. Anyways Sunnie is right. Just see what they want, do it, and be done with it.

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This is not fun at all, but thank for reply;


His message;


Hello Mr. Pinsonneault, I'm (*mister something*) of Télfiction, producer of the series 1,2,3 Giant. Are you the one who produced the game ROSE GIANT? If so, please contact me at (*111-111-111 ext * 111 *)



*censored by me*

This may be a translation issue. But it looks like he thinks you made a video game (maybe he thinks you intend to sell it or something). You really only made an armor mod, so perhaps he misunderstood what you did... regardless you won't know till you call. But hey, it is a pretty cool opportunity to talk with these people. As long as they aren't rude or ignorant :)

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From his statement, it appears that he thinks that a game was made based on their tv show, which is as far from reality as it gets. From my own experince in dealing with media legal issues, they may actually have a problem with the unauthorized use of the copyrighted character name and any likeness of unique elements (weapons/armor/character looks)/

Though again, am only making educated guesses here and you should contact this producer to find out if they are misunderstanding what you actually made.

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