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Copyright violations?


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No translation issue, I thing, He just don't know about mods. In french it sound like I made the whole game.


I will be myself and explain the true. But for now in Quebec is 1 AM, so tomorow guys!


Thank you again!

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From his statement, it appears that he thinks that a game was made based on their tv show, which is as far from reality as it gets. From my own experince in dealing with media legal issues, they may actually have a problem with the unauthorized use of the copyrighted character name and any likeness of unique elements (weapons/armor/character looks)/

Though again, am only making educated guesses here and you should contact this producer to find out if they are misunderstanding what you actually made.

didn't I just say that? (in a less organized way lol)



no problem, let us know how it turns out! It was nice work on ur mod btw. :thumbsup: Might be a bit girlie for my tastes but it still looks well made.

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simply explain to him that what you've done is not create an entire game


simply explain that you've created a plug in for an already existing game, call it plug in so that maybe he understands

link him to some skyrim stuff so that he understands that there is already a game


and finally add that what you've done is to simply work in a 3d modeling program to create an armor that resembles the one from their show, tell him that you gain nothing from it


remember to stress the part that you gain nothing from it

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EDIT: If anything they should reward you. I never even heard of that till now lmao.


indeed..never heard about this Rose Geant or is it Rose Giant, thought it just an armor made from various concept from the web which is look good...just not a big fan with pink :)



from the e-mail, well doesn'nt look like concerning to me. as anyone stated here, yeah you should give a call back to this producer that your Rose Geant is purely made by you and of course inspired by the show and none of materials are belongs to Rose Giant TV show.


to be honest, it kinda weird, if i was this producer than felt violated because of your Rose Giant mod, the first thing that i do is surely need to gather informations about what exactly your Rose Geant is, is it a game, model, material etc. before contacting you .

Edited by ebony_ivory
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First, I have set Set your mod to hidden for both your and the Nexus protection. Once this has been sorted out, you can set it back to visible unless there is some reason not to.


It has not been removed, you and the staff can still see and access it.


I doubt if anything bad is going to happen over this - they may just be trying to find out what you are using their name for and to be sure that you are neither infringing their copyrights or profiting from their work. :rolleyes:


Offer to send them a copy of the mod, and explain that it is useless without the game that you cannot send due to copyright issues. But they can get legally through Steam. And explain that the mod is not a game, but just a representation, NOT a copy of the outfit that can be used in the game.


By hiding it, you are showing good faith and that you do intend to work with them and not defy them on any objection that have.

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Now that I have covered the legal aspects of this I can slow down a little. :blink:


As I am not familiar with the show, I can only speculate.


Personally, I don't see anything they should be objecting to. They may just want you to change the name so it is not associated with their show. Or just want some clarification as to what you plan to do with their character. Some shows are very protective of their image and they may not want their character or image associated with a game like Skyrim. Or any game at all.


Worst case - they decide that for some reason they don't want you to publish this mod.

Solution: Agree to whatever they want

Make enough changes to the mod that it no longer resembles their character. Change the design some, change the colors some.

Then change the name to something completely different from their name.


Best case - They like and approve of the mod. Set it visible as is. :biggrin:

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Well... Finaly. This one could be use as a good exemple of don't do it and do it.


The person on the phone was very nice. What happen is, my mod hit the first line of google search, the producer got call from telequebec who broadcast the show. Lawyers was there and everything, using the name *xxxxxx* and clear references from the show was to mush for them.

They don't whant to sue me, at least if my mod is free of any references to the show.


There is more than just copyright here, craftsman, script writer, actors on the show, spectator like parents and kids, they may not be agree with my work.



So my mod is ok, I just have to clean every reference to the show here and google. Unfortunately it seen like there is a lot of people who share things whitout authorization. In China, japan, Korea (dragonporn, common!!!) contacting those people who don't speak english so well and on the top of it, I have nothing to do with them, I never allowed them to share my mod except a girl from Russia, but russian doesn't to like it.

I will ask Nexus to hide my file for 2 or 3 days, helping google to clean any reference.


Thank to people who contact me before sharing, it help a lot.

Thank to people who encourage me

Thank to Nexus who seen to be comprehensible and hidding my mod without banning (Nice to receive your help)


Matthieu Pinsonneault

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