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Bash Patch problems...


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I managed to merge lots of stuff. Tested it painstakingly after each merge and so far the game works just fine, haven't had a crash in 30+ min. But when I create a bash patch, and enable it, the game crashes. Without the bash patch, the game runs just fine.

This is what I get after creating the bash patch:

Any ideas?

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Thx. Some list in common with them 3 is triggering the error, I would look at them in xEdit to try and isolate the culprit
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When merging files, that have scripts, is it better to have them in .ba2 or unpack them and have the script folder? I know usually you should merge files that have scripts. But some files have just simple scripts like open a lock or something like that, so there's that...

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Depends, if mod is not working correctly then load the script loosely. Just don't merge mods that alter the same scripts, you would have to patch and recompile them.
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Yea, I figured. Thanks for the confirmation. Loosely scripts it is. Speaking of, I got some trouble with the ba2 extractor. Namenly, I can't unpack some ba2, like I can'T seem to extract some ba2's... for example Dogmeat's Backpack - Textures.BA2 , it hangs at 0/6 or EndorsCustomCombatArmor - Textures.ba2, hangs at 241 / 312 ...


Far as I can see, it can't extract the textures. Meshes, scripts (if there's any) are extracted just fine.

Edited by LolDork
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Textures have a different compression method but I have not encountered that one before sorry
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