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Trouble With LOD creation


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I am trying to create the LOD of static objects for my worldspace, but every time I try this error occurs


Using 4 processors/cores.

Creating queue of files to be built...

Building 254016 chunks at level 4.

Building 63504 chunks at level 8.

Building 15876 chunks at level 16.

Building 3969 chunks at level 32.

Building object texture atlas...

Texture atlas build failed with the following errors:

LOD diffuse texture '..\Source\TGATextures\lod\MountainSlabLOD.tga' and normal texture '..\Source\TGATextures\lod\MountainSlabLOD_N.tga' are not the same size (but should be).


Waiting for build worker threads to finish...

Build canceled. All worker threads have been terminated.

0 LOD object triangles.

0 were rejected (0 degenerate, 0 under landscape).

0 total LOD object vertices.

No major issues detected


I was wondering if anyone had input on whats wrong? I think I may have given an object the wrong LOD

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