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(Request) Settlement at Nuka World Transit Center


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Hi guys and girls,


I have absolutely no experience with the CK or mods in general, but I hope someone will pick this up.


I think the Nuka World Transit Center would be an obvious candidate for a settlement - the thing is nearly build like a fort and has a build-in radio-ad that should attract settlers and trouble from all over the commonwealth.


Once cleared of Gunners and you have activated the workshop, it could be pretty cool if you could take advantage of the Nuka World Radio Signal to make the settlement slightly unique.
âAn increased chance to attract settlers, but also an increased risk of settlement raid by raiders and Gunners - the raiders could spawn outside the transit center or within (coming from Nuka World itself - but would obviously stop if you clear Nuka World of raiders)


Let me know what you think



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  • 3 months later...

Amazed this isn't a mod yet. Conquest allows you to build there (obviously) but

1. scrap everything doesn't work on mostly everything (trash piles everywhere create a messy build experience)
2. double fast travel on world map is a pain
3. conquest terrible enemy spawn mean at best enemies will spawn dead center of your settlement

All someone with the knowhow would have to do is add a workbench, make it scrap everything compatible and make the enemy spawn outside of the main entrance on the east side. Hope someone picks it up.

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