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A little help with modifying companions


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Hey guys, I'm trying to play a little with fo4edit to change some very small unimportant things that bother only me. One of them is the fact that the outfits the companions wear become invisible until you replace them with another one. Maybe someone here would be able to tell if it is possible to make the companions outfits function the same way as the outfits the player wears, to be visible even when worn? And if yes so where should I look to change it?

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Pretty sure you'd need to change some scripts for this one, as it seems to mark them unplayable as soon as they wear it
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Each human/ghoul companion has also an unplayable version of road leathers (except for Preston's minuteman outfit) in his/her inventory. They all look like normal road leathers, except they are separate objects and they are invisible in companions' inventory. It was probably meant to auto-equip when you equip your companion with only armor pieces and you take their outfits and all other clothing items from them. But it's never used and when you take the armor back from his/her inventory, your companion stays naked. I'm not sure (I think I've checked it months ago), but they are "invisible" only because they are marked as not playable. You could try changing it to playable and turning these clothes into copies of unique outfits by editing stats and replacing the meshes.

Edited by MeetTheFuture
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