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'Wait' effect on crafting items

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Hello guys!


I have been thinking; would it be possible to make a mod where each time you craft an item, the time would fast forward like if u were 'waiting'? Whether its on a crafting bench or in the workshop, I wonder if I could make a set amount of time fly by depending on what you craft.


Thanks for any help!

Edited by marekto98
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Yep totally,


As i understand it time of day is set to a global variable so you can advance it by set amounts.


Just need to make a script that that while you are in a workshop every new item added to inventory will be checked against a formlist and if its in that formlist it advances the day depending on which formlist it was in. And if its not in any formlist have it move a token amount of time.


You could make containers to add and transfer items between formlists. So if item is added to this container it is purged from all formlists and then added to this formlist. This would allow new items not in the base game to be added as well as tweaking time past by how much the player things time should progress.


Not sure if you can check for placing objects in workshop mode though, I would have to look into it.

Edited by stonefisher
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Ah, this is amazing, thanks a lot man! One more thing, would you be able to give me an example of such a script if you have the knowledge? I am a complete train wreck when it comes to programming in any language xd

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Nah i am fine doing it.


Just juggling between a few mods at the moment.


Whats slowing me down is trying to find a way to detect if you build something in a settlement.


Workbenchs are easier, though could be tricky doing armour mods and weapon mods. No wait need to make an onitemadded with a filter for misc mods and only if the number of items go up to check added items ref against a form to determine how much time to wait.

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Yeah I tried doing something like this before with settlement objects, but as I said I'm terrible at this. I only pretty much design stuff not actually implement them :tongue: Well, thanks for the effort bro! I really appreciate this :) Good luck and let me know if you've got something, I'll keep checking :P

Edited by marekto98
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