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Exporting Whiterun into 3DS Max


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Hey guys, just a quick and hopefully simple request here. I was just wondering if anyone had figured out a way to import all the exterior elements of Whiterun and all of it's assets (i.e market stands and static objects, not npc's) into the 3DS program. The reason I need this is so that I can use the base of the Whiterun map to import into other games just to see how it'd work out. Is there anyone out there willing to help me out?


So just a quick tl;dr I need Whiterun to be editable in 3DS Max





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You can only use the .nif model importer and reconstruct whiterun yourself per model. There is no way to automatise it. There's no quick 'n easy way. Everything is made like this to make it easy for themselves and modders to use their toolset.
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