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You know what i like?


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I like that the week is over, I had a great long conversation with my fiancee on the phone, I've got a bellyful of chicken-wings, and a four-day weekend to look forward to before going onto another Field Exercise.


Food-coma is setting in; goodnight, all, see ya' tomorrow!

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where is my coffee anyway?


Col John Sheppard


Where ever you made it for yourself and then sat it down. <smirk>


all coffees i ever made are either drunk or wallpaper


Col John Sheppard

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where is my coffee anyway?


Col John Sheppard


Where ever you made it for yourself and then sat it down. <smirk>


all coffees i ever made are either drunk or wallpaper


Col John Sheppard

then check your wallpaper, maid service ended,tips were bad!

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I like the movie Grosse Point Blank. I had forgotten how much. Is it weird that one of my favorite movies is about someone who is a contract killer?
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Failte(your welcome) just call me Aeryn, the 333 is a metaphysical numerology thing, for me..My favourite number being 3, triple Goddess 3, three sacred fires the last 3, Love's wisdom , Active intelligence, and the Will to be..Put them all together equals nine the number of the Great Goddess..


So you choose pearsanta ,personal Mos..Ok its pesonal then..Nice to know mate.. :whoops:


I knew I was blessed by Her. Nine is the number she gave me.

Well, the pearsanta....twernt business.

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I would like to see Teyla vs Mos...heh...she would so kick his arse with her sticks!

Feh. I could subdue her with my stick.


mmm.... your stick

I like Mos's stick


I knew you'd like me waving it around in front of you....


EDIT (to not have post overflow)

Y'all is nasty.

Not me here, but this is the kind of stick I was talking about:


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