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Plugins uncheck themself everytime


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Good evening.

Finally I succeded in starting the plugins. The problem was that I installed some of them in a different language witthout being aware of this.

Now Skyrim would work perfectly....if the nexus mod manager wouldn't mark some plugins with the yellow exclamation mark.

Until yesterday, all the plugins and mods in the NMM were normal, but today i started the NMM and Wars in skyrim was marked with a yellow exclamation point.

Why? I've not installed any other mods...

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  • 8 months later...
  • 4 years later...


Possibly a mod conflict or load order issue. Maker sure all .esm are at the top of your load order and you may want to look into BOSS to sort most of your mods for you.

I had already started the BOSS before trying to play, but the result is the same...

Why I can't use Wars in Skyrim? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif



Either you have a conflict or boss is wrong, i've used mod organizer to sort my load order and the one time i used loot to sort it, it seemingly caused problems with eff due to load order issues. Even though mo uses an old version of loot it seems to get the load order right every time. I've not had load order issues using mod organizer's method. I did have problems with dragon soul absorption using mo, but overknee rai was seemingly a cause of many problems like frequent and regular ctds i wouldn't be surprised if that mod was causing dragonsoul absorption issues either. I do not know why a companion mod caused those problems but another thing is you do have to use mo launcher to get the mods. Just use launcher to make sure you have the mods you want enabled.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is an old topic, but I'm going to solve the problem for anyone who needs it (in case someone hasn't already, haven't read the whole thread.)


JaySuS_swords mod is the problem. It conflicts on it's own with a ton of mods. I had 115 mods, and whenever I would close NMM only 41 would be active when reopened. Check them back, same thing. Click the activate all, same thing. Ran LOOT and it said I need a patch for this mod, so i got it, but hadn't activated it yet.

Came here because I was having the exact problem the starter of this thread was. I noticed that we had the same mod at the time our problems started, so, I activated the patch for JaySus_Swords, everything back to normal.




This is what you need; under Sharlikrans Compatibility Patches


Go under files and look for JaySus_Swords_compatibility_patches

That's what you need,

and problem solved. :)



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