TheWorldofRipX Posted July 9, 2017 Share Posted July 9, 2017 ...have them leave service and respawn at their original locations, to be recruitable again. i have a script that works great BUT it only works with 1 follower, once you add more, the others die, and respawn but then came back to you and when you talk to them you can see they are still your is the script as it is, with 2 followers i believe...any help would be appreciated. so basically, you kill the boss, the 4 followers all die, leave your service, and then respwn at their original spots, ready to be recruited again. Aagain thx for the help. Actor Property ESSB_Boss1 autoActor Property Wifu1 autoActor Property Wifu2 autoObjectReference Property PlaceThatSellsWifus autoFaction Property CurrentFollowerFaction autoFaction Property DismissedFollowerFaction autoquest Property pDialogueFollower Auto Event OnDying(Actor killer)Wifu1.StopCombat()Wifu2.StopCombat()Wifu1.Kill(ESSB_Boss1);This is the Boss killing the girls when he diesWifu2.Kill(ESSB_Boss1)Utility.Wait(5)Wifu1.Moveto(PlaceThatSellsWifus);This moves the girls to the placeWifu2.Moveto(PlaceThatSellsWifus)Wifu1.Resurrect();obviously resurrects themWifu2.Resurrect() If !(Wifu1.IsInFaction(DismissedFollowerFaction))(pDialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).DismissFollower(0, 0) Wifu1.ModFactionRank(CurrentFollowerFaction, -2)Wifu1.AddtoFaction(DismissedFollowerFaction)EndIf If !(Wifu2.IsInFaction(DismissedFollowerFaction))(pDialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).DismissFollower(0, 0) Wifu2.ModFactionRank(CurrentFollowerFaction, -2)Wifu2.AddtoFaction(DismissedFollowerFaction)EndIf;This sets the girls to not follow you anymore, follower overhaul mods might override this. IDK Wifu1.EvaluatePackage();because moving and resurrecting can mess with the AI, this "wipes the memory"Wifu2.EvaluatePackage()endEvent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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