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CTD On New Game


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I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I never had any issues with my load order and now I crash when I press new game or load. There are times I can start a new game but that's every 1 out of 10 tries or so, I don't know why that happens. If I try loading a save file, the same thing happens. It crashes most of the time or I can play for a bit then I crash. https://pastebin.com/NY2UkSfH Here is the papyrus log. https://modwat.ch/u/Ekaz Here is my Modwatch. Thanks for your help.

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Hello Ekaz!


I might have the sollutions for you.


Download all these three.


LOOT: https://loot.github.io/


TES5EDIT: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/?


Save game script cleaner: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?



With LOOT you can sort your load order and might fix your problem.

With TES5Edit it hopefully find a sollution for you and will then show you how to fix it.

With Save game script cleaner you can remove old scripts which can be left if a mod is removed from the game, and these scripts can cause crash to desktop.



Hopefully something will fix your problem!

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