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Additional ways to put out fires


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As some might know, Sneak Tools implements water arrows that can be used to put out fires, and with ST you can also use frost spells to do so. This is good for mods that alters Sneak so that it is partially dependant on lighting, like Ordinator. I thought of some other ways to put out fires, if your character uses neither bows nor magic for example.


First, smaller fires like candles and lanterns could just be blown out, it really seems redundant to me to whip out your bow or alert the whole bandit camp with a spell just to put that out. With a simple activate option, you blow it out.


Bigger fires, like torches and campfires, could be put out with a fire blanket of sorts. You could craft a fire blanket at a tanning rack, and with it in your inventory, you get the same activate option as with the candles mentioned above. Obviously, the big fires at giant camps are too much for it.


And finally, if you use magic but not Destruction, some simple Illusion spells that put out fires. I did find a mod that adds an Illusion spell that does this (can't remember the name or what I searched for), but it uses the same visual effects as Pacify (the expert Calm spell that explodes into a cloud), and I'd prefer something more discreet. I was thinking more in the lines of a silent and invisible wave that can put out fires from a distance, but that doesn't alert enemies, though they might if they're close to the fire when it's extinguished.


How about it?

Edited by faffman
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