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Travelling Merchants on carriage


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Greetings to everybody, I'm new to this forum... and I have a request to make, I don't know if this is a repost


Most of you would agree that skyrim somehow lacks in immersion, that's why there's so many modders creating mods that adds depth to the game. but until now I never found a mod that adds traveling vendors/merchants npc(s) into skyrim. I know there's a war happening, but that shouldn't stop some greedy merchants to make fortune, and to think of it they should make a fortune out of it.


See, I have a concept of traveling merchants that travels between major cities of tamriel riding a carriage loaded with goodies, these brave merchants are rich, selling good stuffs and has a lot of septims... If lucky enough, the player may cross path with them to buying/selling some good items, or if you're a bad guy you can try to rob them...

To anticipate the threats on the roads, they are well equipped for field combat with decent weapons and armors, they also followed by 2, maybe 3 bodyguards wherever they go, so bandits, monsters, or even dovahkiin may think twice before raiding these merchants...


The player get the benefit by this mod by buying and/or selling items to these merchants if he meet them on the roads without having to go to the nearest town/cities. This is useful for adventurers that doesn't want to waste their time buying/selling items in town, or a hunter type who wants to spend the entire game in the wilderness.


I am not familiar with modding games, thats why i post this idea here, and I think this is a best place...

thanks for reading, and sorry for my bad english...

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you can find a few groups of khajiit walking around from city to city but i find there are far to few and far inbetween also it's just them walking no carriage or anything i have seen a video where someone added a carriage to their horse that apperaed to work fine so maybe it is possible to add npcs and apply that mod to them.
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you can find a few groups of khajiit walking around from city to city but i find there are far to few and far inbetween also it's just them walking no carriage or anything i have seen a video where someone added a carriage to their horse that apperaed to work fine so maybe it is possible to add npcs and apply that mod to them.


yes I've met the khajiits, but they have a very limited item stock, and i also checked some videos of carriages in skyrim, but it seems the carriage rides are awfully bugged, it even happens in the game intro sometimes, so i think it's kinda tricky to build a mod that involves carriage riding.

Edited by ahmedsiha
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you can find a few groups of khajiit walking around from city to city but i find there are far to few and far inbetween also it's just them walking no carriage or anything i have seen a video where someone added a carriage to their horse that apperaed to work fine so maybe it is possible to add npcs and apply that mod to them.


yes I've met the khajiits, but they have a very limited item stock, and i also checked some videos of carriages in skyrim, but it seems the carriage rides are awfully bugged, it even happens in the game intro sometimes, so i think it's kinda tricky to build a mod that involves carriage riding.

what im saying is that you wouldn't ride in their carriage but put some things in it or put a cover over it so atleast it doesnt look like there are 4 people carrying EVERYTHING.

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  • 9 months later...





The roads seem very empty having no caravans with carriages. Travelers mods to date don;t even really help as every traveler is solo. Another thing is there are no NPC;s on horseback.

Edited by Sitkaz7
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This is skyrim we are talking about guys.. if you want immersion... why add travelling merchants? no merchant would want to travel skyrim.. they'd stay inside city walls for protection.. i mean if you have tried travelling skyrim on-foot or riding a horse.. you would know why i think this is ridiculous.... dragons appear,werewolves,vampires,bandits and s*** happens everywhere.. so how does it make profitable for a merchant to sell stuff on road?
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This is skyrim we are talking about guys.. if you want immersion... why add travelling merchants? no merchant would want to travel skyrim.. they'd stay inside city walls for protection.. i mean if you have tried travelling skyrim on-foot or riding a horse.. you would know why i think this is ridiculous.... dragons appear,werewolves,vampires,bandits and s*** happens everywhere.. so how does it make profitable for a merchant to sell stuff on road?


I agree the Roads are Dangerous even Spiders are Scary as Hell. Add Kiosk Stands with Khajiit Merchants and Other Merchants at Every City. Or (Optional) have someone Build a Fort with an Exterior and Interior and make the Fort specifically for Merchants and Traders with a lot of Guards protecting the Investments and if Dragons or other Threating Dangers Attack the Fort, the Merchants and Traders go Inside the Fort to take Shelter until the Threat is Gone.

Edited by Jitansgate
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there is a mod that lets NPCs go into hiding when dragons etc attack so the basics for the fort idea are already there, sounds good


It's possible to Rebuild a Fort which is Better than starting from Scratch. Fort Greymoor might be the best place sense it is within walking distance to Whiterun and the Western Watchtower.

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