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LOTR Style ranger mod - need models and textures


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I am working on a LOTR inspired ranger overhaul for skyrim. It will start as an addon but will later on replace existing cities and holds.

What i need:


-I need a ranger armor to equip my rangers with.

-I need a grey company armor to equip my grey company with.

-I need nazgul armor to equip the nazgul with.

-I need Moria goblin armor equippable by falmer.


At the moment I don't need any weapons yet. Isilmeriels LOTR weapons will be a required file for my mod.



If you think you are up to the challenge, please reply here and send me a PM.

The link for the mod in progress: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10942

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You should probably try and learn to use blender and gimp or other alternatives because to be honest, in the kindest possible way, it doesn't look to promising for people who make can meshes and textures to be presented with a list of what you need when as far as they know you'll just be using the Creation Kit, which in all fairness is a lot easier and less time consuming. If you can make your own armours etc then I apologize but the topic should have had a bit more info on what your role is since nobody is going to want to pitch in if they're getting all the hard stuff.
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Thanks for replying. I know i did sound unreasonable and demanding.

However it was because i was just desperate. The last person who wanted to help me got banned the day after because of speaking up to moderators. All others have ignored me in the chat.

I can't find the time to learn those programs, I will be using all my time in the Creation Kit which is, indeed much easier to use. But I am trying to pull of an overhaul on my own. If no one wants to help me, ill just have to use vanilla textures. Since I am not going to steal someone elses textures and models.


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