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Merging .esp files


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Alright, so I've already searched and looked at other topics related to this, but I still have yet to find a topic that truly answers my question. I currently want to merge a few .esp files. I have BOTH Wrye Bash and TESVSnip installed/downloaded. I don't want to mess with TESVSnip because I don't want to completely risk messing up the .esp files I'm working with by working at such a low level, I just want to combine them into a single .esp file easily at a higher level (e.g. just select the files and merge them, not manually copying and pasting parts of an .esp into another one like you have to in TESVSnip).


If someone could give a tutorial (or at least point out where the settings are) to do this in the current version of Wrye Bash, that would be greatly appreciated as I have yet to find a tutorial at all whatsoever on the Nexus forums (if one exists already that I missed somehow, sorry for duplicating the topics; just link to it and I'll be happy).


UPDATE: Please note that I have already tried looking for this in the official Wrye Bash readme, and due to the way it is formatted, had no success at all whatsoever in attempting to find this. If it's there and I just missed it, a direct link to it would also satisfy my request (e.g. I click on link and am taken directly to the spot in the readmes telling me how to do it).

Edited by ryushinji
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The software does not currently exist to do what you want to do.


Skyrim is a new game, and no programmer has yet invented a TES4Gecko for Skyrim.


So what you need to do is use TESVSnip which works well and is pretty easy to use. If you are afraid of messing up your mods by editing them, make backups right before you edit. (You should be doing this anyway.)


Here is a pictorial tutorial for doing the operation you want to perform: Mod Merging with TESVSnip

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