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how to telekiness an actor?


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How do you mean? Do you want to give an NPC telekinesis? Or are you asking if you can make it so that TK works on NPCs?

sorry I didn't make it clear,I just want the telekinesis works on npcs,any idea what should I do?

I've tried forceaddragdoll to world,but it seems not work.

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There has been a couple other threads about this now, and as far as I have seen, they have not been able to make Telekinesis work on actors.


The mod Midas Magic has a force push spell ala Fus Ro Dah... and also a Force Pull spell... which is kinda what you are talking about. The only thing I can see is that you don't have the control with it that you do with Telekinesis. Maybe see how he did Force Pull and apply it to how the Telekinesis spell works?

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I've tried a really simple havokImpulse test,it seems that the actor totally got bend,and been immediately moved to certain place,then immediately move back,is it promising to telekinese through better parameter and condition controls?

to move the actor isn't hard like force ball/force push,just you push actor away,yet to teleknese them like other objects seems really hard

Edited by zjy6400
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The mod Midas Magic has a force push spell ala Fus Ro Dah... and also a Force Pull spell... which is kinda what you are talking about. The only thing I can see is that you don't have the control with it that you do with Telekinesis. Maybe see how he did Force Pull and apply it to how the Telekinesis spell works?

I would be very surprised if the Force Push and Pull worked through a method other than PushActorAway, and... Actually, the ultra-quick tests I just ran suggest you *can* juggle actors with PushActorAway in Skyrim, which means it can theoretically be used to hold someone up and repeatedly shove them cursor-ward. How about that, I'm honestly surprised it worked. It would take some serious scripting, though. Edited by LoginToDownload
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