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MacKom Makes a Mess (WIP thread)


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Very very nice job good sir, i have always been a bit of a hairfreak when it comes to TES games and i must say that your creations are some of the best work i have seen. There has been a lot of hairmodels with great meshes but few have your level of texturing. I am definatly going to use these in all future Skyrim gaming. (I am one of those crazy fockers that actually sit down and remake all the npc:s in the CK when i find a new beautymod, I seriously need help :wallbash: .)


And i also think that it could be a good idea to make wigs out of these to avoid clipping, I wouldnt want that beautiful hair ruined by a bulky armor or quiver. I am sure if you ask some of the veteran TES modder like Apachii, he/she could help you in making these hairstyles into wigs. Also if you feel that it would be unrealistic that you must craft them, perhaps just adding them to some vendors, the sissys who sells clothes sure could deal some wigs also?

My dream is that someday, in a land faraway all the people is equipt with a wig that is nonlootable and invisible in the looting list so there would be no more of that horrible clipping, but i leave that dream for another thread...


Anyways good luck to you and be sure that here is one that will endorse you as soon as your creations hit the nexus. :thumbsup:

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@smeden_nils - Thank you. Glad you`re enjoying what you see here. :thumbsup:


Just a quick update (if anyone cares) - due to unforeseen circumstances (death in family) I have to take a 1 week break, but in the next update I`ll share some information on working with .nif files in Nifscope, which settings to apply, what to look for etc.

See you guys and girls in one week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And one week later...officially declaring a "back on track" status.


Remade the mage hairstyle. Changed the mesh. Then had to change the textures. And rigging. And position...and before I knew it, I ended up with practically a whole new mesh. I just love it when 1 vertice or 1 pixel trigger my OCD... :psyduck:


Next up - continuing to work on Ranger.

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And one week later...officially declaring a "back on track" status.


Remade the mage hairstyle. Changed the mesh. Then had to change the textures. And rigging. And position...and before I knew it, I ended up with practically a whole new mesh. I just love it when 1 vertice or 1 pixel trigger my OCD... :psyduck:


Next up - continuing to work on Ranger.


OMG I love that hair!

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@jet4571 &Sunnie - Thanks guys. Or, guy and girl. :happy:


Ranger finished. Sort of. I`ll retouch the textures just to pull out a bit more detail, but this is about 95% done. I hope.


Next up - Warrior.

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Amazing work on those both! I can never seem to make hair styles rofl, its a impressive talent for sure.


Do not suppose you would consider makeing a couple male hair styles, since 99% of the new hairs made are female right now.

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@Nivea - I am, eventually, but that might take some time. I want to make this set first, and with each style taking approx. 10 days to make (as these are made from scratch an not ports, PLUS I haven`t even started dragging them through CK...I`m really not looking forward to that),I`m afraid things are going steady, but rather slow. :turned:
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Which dosen`t look like a warrior hairstyle...at all. So, I`ll probably rename "Ranger" into "Adventurer", and this one into "ranger". Great plan, right? :rolleyes:




I also discovered 2 things -


1) Vanilla hairstyles have bad weighting. Well, some of them. I remade the "Adventurer" hair mesh several times b/c I always had flying vertices when changing weight. I finally just renamed the .nif file to replace another one (as these are all still replacers) and the problem was gone. So, yea...sometimes it`s not your fault. Good to know, eh?


2) Found a way to have blend alphas in hair textures making them look smooth, and not change color in certain lighting conditions (like Apachiis hair). Problem is - SLSF2_Assume_Shadowmask in Shader flags 2 creates another problem - sometimes hair line turns invisible in certain conditions. This setting is usually used in short cropped vanilla hairstyles, and they too have the same problem. I don`t know if there is much that can be done about it.


Anyways, off to tweaking textures some more. If it turns out my UVMap is bad...well then, I`m screwed, aren`t I? :psyduck:



Also, about the name - How does "Lore Styles" sound to you? Think it`s fitting?

Edited by MacKom
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