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SKSE Prevents saves.


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ok so about a month ago everything was running fine other than the ocasional ctd, but that happens at random anyway, than i decided to play sse for a bit, than after learning skse didn't work on sse i came back to skyrim(oldrim) ctd at bethesda logo, so i deleted all my mods, and reinstalled skyrim, that fixed the ctd issue at the main menu, but than both with and without mods it would i couldn't save, the save button was grey and evrytime i used it or the save command it would say "can't save right now" after a few days of googling help and looking at many forums, i found 1 person who said that an skse plugin was cousing them the issue, so i uninstalled skse and that fixed it, just to be sure i reinstalled skse and sure enough it was cousing the issue(both with and without mods) so now i am playing without skse, but most of my favorite mods use skse, so it's a real drag :( if anyone else has had this issue and\or has fixed it please let me know thank you.

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