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help with gloves 3ds max


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no not skin wrap. i mean when you actually make the gloves..

the hands on the skeleton are curved.

when you make gloves you make them straight.. tube with thumb and 4 fingers.. then you gotta bend the tubes to fit the hand and they get all twisted and such.. i have a hard time with them.

looking for professional ideas.

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well you can make it just like you stated above and fit it into hand with moving the vertices, but that will completely hassle to do right ? well its depend whether you're a pro with 3Dmax or no.


i'm using blender and my methods are :

1. Using the vanilla hand mesh as basic shape then shaping it into glove that i wanted.

2. Using shrinkwarp (i dunno with 3Dmax, but i'm sure it has the same only with different name) just start with simple cube/tube around the hand with the modifier on and add more vertices until it wrap perfectly, same procces like this tutorial

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well you can make it just like you stated above and fit it into hand with moving the vertices, but that will completely hassle to do right ? well its depend whether you're a pro with 3Dmax or no.


i'm using blender and my methods are :

1. Using the vanilla hand mesh as basic shape then shaping it into glove that i wanted.

2. Using shrinkwarp (i dunno with 3Dmax, but i'm sure it has the same only with different name) just start with simple cube/tube around the hand with the modifier on and add more vertices until it wrap perfectly, same procces like this tutorial



im new to 3ds max but if it has an option like this i think i need to find it..

making gloves like this would be a lot easier then just moving the vertices around until they look good.

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Professional ideas?! Hard to know about, internet is full of unprofessional tutorials.


The easy way, will be to move the hand skeleton, to make it fit with you glove, skin your glove(no skin warp, you have to skin it manualy) and reimport the vanilla skeleton at the end.


By reimporting the vanilla skeleton, because your glove is now skin, your glove will automatically take the good shape.


Femaleskeleton.nif will give you small glove and skeleton.nif normal weight glove.

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