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Recruiting followers with Unique Voices


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As title says. I would very much love to be able to recruit skyrim characters that have Unique Voices. Currently the cheap workaround is to change their voiceset in the Creation Kit, but that defeats the main feature of what makes such characters special.


Are there any like-minded people who would like to see these too? Or point me to the right tutorials :happy:



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Thanks for the reply :happy:


But I'm embarrassed to say that after fiddling in the CK for two days, I still can't get followers with unique voices to work 100%. I must be missing something obvious. So far I have gotten them to follow me and receive commands, but functions like wait and dismiss are still buggy. Its a start though, and I'll keep reading all the tutorials I can find to hopefully give me a better idea of what to do.


In the meantime any other pointers for me will be greatly appreciated!

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