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Scripting question and wondering about art assets


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I'm trying to run a script that kills any actor who walks into the trigger area. I set up a collision box and created a script attached to it. The script I have written is:


Scriptname KillonEnterScript extends ObjectReference

{Kills Actor when it enters the trigger.}


Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)


If (akActionRef as Actor)

(akActionRef as Actor).Kill()




This does not seem to work when I fall into the collision box, am I missing something? It compiles fine.


Furthermore, in the caves I am building, I want there to be a pit where, when the player looks down into it, all he/she sees is complete pitch black, hinting that the pit is incredibly deep. However, I can't seem to find any art assets that are just a layer/box of darkness. (My intent with both of these is to put the collision box where the darkness is, so that if the player falls down into the pit he/she is instantly killed.


Thanks in advance for any help.

Edited by lithic01
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