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Increased knockback for two handers


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I have been happily using Phate3's Dragonslayer mod for a while, it's easily my favorite thing ever.


I would, however, like to see my huge sword knock dudes flying, like an Unrelenting force or a werewolf smash.


that's it. I'll even do it myself if you tell me the setting to change on the weapon in the creation kit!

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I have been happily using Phate3's Dragonslayer mod for a while, it's easily my favorite thing ever.


I would, however, like to see my huge sword knock dudes flying, like an Unrelenting force or a werewolf smash.


that's it. I'll even do it myself if you tell me the setting to change on the weapon in the creation kit!

Well, I'm not so sure about making your weapon do that, however I am nearly finished with a quest mod that results in a shout that does pretty much exactly that with some additional effects. Nothing is quite as satisfying as sending Ulfric Stormcloak 100 feet in the air.

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