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Grappling Hook and Buildable Soul Gem Turrets


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Grappling Hook and Buildable Soul Gem Turrets


The ability to craft grappling hooks to quickly climb or hook people. Placeable, craftable soul gem turrets like the ones you come across in draugr tombs.


Message me if you make it as I want to play this asap.

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probably not possible to make the first in SE

you can look at the rope arrows from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19447/? for Oldrim , but I'm pretty sure these require SKSE to work , which is why the SE version doesn't include this feature

not sure about "hook people" , but there are probably spells that already exist , that can do something like what you may have in mind

you should look at some of the popular spell mods available for SE , maybe you may find what you wish


as for turrets , never saw any soul gen turrets in mods

however , you can look at how the autocannon from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1137/? works , and try to remake it with the soul turret model and spell effects


as a side note , when you make requests , it is often better accepted if you phrase a request

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I just think it would be fun playing with these things. Climbing buildings with a grappling hook and catching people and animals with it. Setting up a series of soul gem magic traps with lightning, fire, frost and healing spells. Maybe even an illusion turret which makes people in a field invisible. Experiment with lots of different spell effects and have them as turrets.

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it may be cool , but it might not be possible

especially since some of these require scripting , which would require SKSE64 to be released


and since some of these weren't done for Oldrim , I wouldn't expect to see them for SE

but you can give modding a try , and try to make this yourself , if you want

even if as just a core concept , see if you can make it for Oldrim , then maybe you can find help to expand upon it

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