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Random dog named gruphy


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There seems to be a couple (or more) stray dogs in the game. I've run across a dog in the wilderness a couple of times, but I've never been closs enough to see if they had a name (why would I talk to a dog?) - I just assumed they were strays and were just random nonaggressive animals (like the foxes and rabbits). I bought a dog companion in Markarth - Vigilance - but he was a pain like all the companions (human included and horses too) in the game (get in the way, get stuck, don't follow well, won't sneak, don't stay where they are supposed to, etc.) so I told him to go home and I assume he went back to Markarth.


The only other dog I've seen is the one with the quest.

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encountered a seemingly tame red fox named 'Pumpkin' that i think the mage coven forsworn or bandits there probably kept as a pet in

a cavern complex (Southfringe Sanctum i think it was).

Pumpkin stayed in one spot and wouldn't budge intently staring at a caged dead chicken.

i think the term GRUP refers to grouping records for mod file formats, ironic since 'Gruphy' was a random stray lol.

you might get a kick out of Barbas the Blacksmith's best friend and stray dog near Falkreath

(when your level is high enough)..

Edited by xlcr
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There is another dog called Meeko you can get as a companion South of Solitude in a shack called "Meeko's Shack" and the dog will just be sitting inside the shack next to his dead owner. And I think the dead owner has a journal with him so you can see how he died.

When you click on Meeko you just ask him if he wants to follow you, when you tell him to stop following you he will just go back to the shack.

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  • 10 months later...

I ran into him too... but sadly he was aggressive to me. I have no clue why I even had the Life Song Staff equipped.


Cicero was with me and well... things didn't go well from there. Let's just say that good old Gruphy is now chasing skeevers in Sovngarde now.

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