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immortal manimarco!!


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Hey to you all, I am kinda stuck...


I am confronting Manimarco and the arrows fly through him, no spell touches it and his health bar doesnt show up... The filled collosal black soul gem is still in my inventory and I dont get it I once killed him and became the archmage but after that I loaded a save before becoming archmage, now I cant kill him...


I disabled all the mods and tried to kill him but no luck, it is the same and also the bone bars surrounding manimarco doesnt activate...


I cant kill him because I cant harm him anyway possible, he is acting like a ghost :D Can you please help me??

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Thank you I have an earlier save that I killed the guy but it is far far earlier :D So I will use the console and "kill" him :D


Thank you for your help...


And howcome Bethesda or any hardcore modders did anything about it?

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