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Crash test needed


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Four people finally confirmed they're crashing after activating my house mod and I went from 500 to 2,000 unsubscribes in 3 days, while staying at 5k active subscribers. So somethings wrong.


I need someone who has a lot of popular mods running to try out my house mod and see if they crash. I'm not sure if it's just a steamcommunity issue or my mod in general. I've not had a single crash from it and my log only shows 2 warnings for non relevant items ~ inherited variables from a deleted script trying to initialize.






If you do crash please send me a message with the logs contents. Or if you want, load it up in the CK and take a look around.


~ I need to post a pick of it's location but it's on the solo mountain west of Whiterun.


[edit] if you make it there with no problems ignore the misplaced doors. Forgot to move after Room/Portal optimization

Edited by dankicity
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