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Roleplay idea (Dead Sole survivor)


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Before I tell you what idea I have, I'd like to give a bit of context (Skip if not interested).


In my current playtrough I'm roleplaying a mercenary who found SS dead near Vault 111, and decided to do a good deed by finding his son.


-I'm counting on all roleplayers using Silent protagonist mods and full dialogue interface and some form of Alt start mod so writing unique responses for the main Chara shouldn't be a problem.


-I think it would be cool if you didn't want to do nothing with the story and get rid of the emotional responsability if you will.


It's just a small idea I had but I am not a modder so feel free to pick it up

Edited by TheWickedSoul
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The Start Me Up alternate start mod already has this sort of premise. You can start as one if several character classes at several different locations in the Commonwealth.


You get called "Rumor of a Vault" which directs you to Vault 111. The main quest is restructured along similar lines to what you've described. Most dialog has also been edited to reflect the notion that you are not thge Sole Survivor...it really is great mod and sounds close to what you've described. Might be worth your looking into.

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