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settlement/constructible object falls through ground or teleports to a different place after building?


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I'm in the middle of creating new furniture objects, and some of them are behaving... strangely. Specifically only my doghouses actually. I've made beds, couches, and prefab buildings using roughly the same method and all works well. I create a static collection in the CK, export it, then add the nodes and adjustments in nifscope as necessary, and I use base objects of the same kind to get an idea of what everything needs as far as nodes and properties go. The doghouses work fine until after you build them in workshop mode, they will either fall through the ground, or teleport to some other location in the settlement (as in, I placed one near the back of the Red Rocket, and I found it in the front by the filling stations). I'm... stumped. Loading the vanilla doghouse up there are no extra nodes apart from the animation one, and I have all static item properties the same. This is the same thing I did with the prefabs and those work wonderfully after being navmeshed. I don't know where to look next to troubleshoot.

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Not sure if double-posting is frowned upon, but I figured out the problem and wanted to update in case anyone else having this problem in the future. A better description of what was happening at this point is that it was obviously glitching when trying to place/move items. When place the behavior was erratic, sometimes the collision would line up, other times not. If you tried to pick it back up, it would turn around, flip upside down, shoot in a random direction, spin in circles around the character, or freeze in place.

Some of the items in the static collection I made had conflicting physics despite being made from all vanilla static objects, in these specifics cases it was the pet food bowls. Going into nifskope and figuring out which was the collision for the bulk of the item, and then deleting the rest fixed the problem.

Edited by NaiRae
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