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Knock out perk in the stealth skill tree


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Hello :-)


I have created a 3 level perk in the stealth skill tree which allows the player character to have a chance of knocking an enemy out when he is sneaking behind an enemy and when using a mace type weapon.


In order to take the enemy out I used the paralyze spell effect but the problem is that the enemy is just paralyzed so he is still aware of the presence of the player around him even if he can not move.


Do you have an idea about how to force the target to ignore the Player character for the duration of the spell?


Happy modding :-)

Edited by Hjorr
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First, now, when the target is hit with a mace while sneaking undetected, it is set to unconscious mode and it no longer detects the player character.


Now, the thing is that as suggested by Korodic, I am trying to figure out an alternative to the paralysis spell.


the problem is that without an AI, the target won't be able to move at all, so it won't even be able to ragdoll either.


there is a forceaddragdolltoworld command which I think could work, but since the target still has its AI, it won't act as if unconscious.


The problem is of course that disabling the AI won't help since the target is not going to take into account the forceaddragdolltoworld command at all.


Any ideas on how to force the target to ragdoll effectively?

Edited by Hjorr
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