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Using Xbox360 Controller and Xpadder with Skyrim


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I've been playing Skyrim with the Xbox360 controller, which is mostly fine but I'd like to be able to use extra functions that aren't mapped to the controller by default, such as using the D-pad for Favourites, Inventory, Magic and Map and using a modifier (left bumper) to re-use the D-pad to select four hotkeyed items and another button to toggle auto-move.


I've more or less got this setup, but the problem is the keyboard profie uses WASD to navigate the inventory and menus. My left stick is mapped to WASD and it's virtually impossible to use the inventory/menus as it's too easy to trigger a left or right (A or D) movement whilst trying to go up or down (W or S) which moves to the previous/next tab in the Inventory/Menu. So what I need to do is change it so that I can use the D-pad to navigate these menus (which is using keys QMIP) or continue to use the left stick up and down (W and S) to navigate up and down, but for it to ignore left and right (A and D) and use the bumpers to change tab (which are mapped to Alt and Z).


EDIT: I seem to have been able to alleviate this problem by increasing the Deadzone for the left stick quite a bit in Xpadder. I still have a few other problems though. Firstly, in the map I can't zoom out as this is set to use the mousewheel, which I obviously don't have on the controller. Secondly, in the Journal/Menu screen with the Xbox360 controller enabled I can change between the tabs (Quests, General Stats, System) with the Left and Right triggers, but with the Keyboard profile I have to move the cursor over them with the controller's left stick (which is mapped to the mouse) and click with the Right trigger (which is mapped to Mouse1) which is rather fiddly, so if anyone knows of a solution to these issues, please tell.


EDIT2: Found that I can use my modifer (left bumper) and the right stick up/down to emulate the mousewheel with Xpadder and although it's not very smooth, it does the job. So just the Journal/Menu tab navigation problem to fix now. It's a shame the proper Xbox360 controller profile didn't incorporate a modifier to access these extra functions though, as it's a bit confusing having the game show keyboard command prompts when you're using a controller :mad:


EDIT3: No, even with a 68% deadzone on the left stick, it's still triggering left and right accidentally. I've also found that navigating up and down with the left stick (W or D) and then trying to equip with left or right trigger (Mouse2 or Mouse1) doesn't work and I have to point to the item with the mouse cursor (right stick) and then I can use the triggers to equip. I can sort of equip using button A (mapped to E) but it doesn't give me the same control over equipping to the left or right hand that the mouse would (or the triggers do with the Xbox360 controller profile enabled).

Edited by doveman
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  • 9 months later...

i feel your pain.




i soon will be switching to xbox360 wireless and im thinking about having a set selector turn the d-pad into wasd for easier menu navigation. that image isnt my latest config, i now have 4 sets since i started using GRHotkeys mod.

Edited by XiaolinDraconis1
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Thanks, I'll see if I can take anything from your layout. The problem I think I found though is that in Controller mode there wasn't a spare key to use as modifier (to switch the D-pad to WSAD) and in Keyboard mode all these other problems, such as displaying keyboard hints on-screen. I've been using Controller mode with a mod that lets the D-pad double up for Favourites, Inventory, Magic and Map and four Favourites hotkeys for now, which seemed the best compromise.
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