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Split Armor Pieces


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Hi I was wondering and hopeful if any talented modders out there can create a mod or just be able to cut armors in half. For example, I think the imperial armor looks nice but i would like to see it also as a half piece (with just the lower half) and it shows up as either full piece armor stat or half stat.. If this can be accomplished then it would be considered that in theory (with this supposed Mod) armors can then be mixed? Like say..the top of Ancient Nord Armor mixed with the bottom Imperial Skirt? Or just the bottom Ancient Nord armor alone to make your created character look more like a barbarian. I myself believe and have the opinion that Nords are Barbarians or are generally considered so. So why not give them that look? Imagine having your character using just the lower half of the Ebony Armor with Full Stats bare chested with scars and bruises?
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