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Anyone else think that theres a few things missing from Skyrim?


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I find it hard to believe that all these creatures/materials are specifically indigenous to Solstheim. Didn't the ancient nords use stalhrim to encase their dead? Why isnt this stuff common in Skyrim? There's werewolves and horkers and snow bears and draugr, after all.


On a side note, does anyone know the person at Beth. responsible for making the lore decision to destroy Vvardenfell? I know its just a game, but I was a little taken back when I learned this. I loved Vvardenfell and now its essentially gone? I almost killed Erikur, when discussing Balmora Blue, he said something like 'back when Balmora was still there'. Whoever at Bethesda made that call deserves a hearty kick in the heuvos.

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I agree wholeheartedly. It could just be that I'm looking through a haze of nostalgia, but Vvardenfel and Solstheim are my two favorite places in all of Tamriel.


Bethesda did say that they were going to make the next DLC really big; perhaps even traveling to a different landmass (just speculation on my part at this point).

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Isn't hand-to-hand called unarmed now?


And I'm pretty sure they cut acrobatics because it was done pretty weirdly in Oblivion, where you train in it by jumping a lot.


Besides I tend to think that 200 years changes a place.


I mean that Stahlrim stuff might have run out, or perhaps the only tombs we've seen are the Dragon cult tombs.

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All i know is in 200 years everybody has forgotten how to make and use spears, crossbows and throwing stars.


Not to mention mages have forgotten how to levitate, mark their place and then recall back >.<

Edited by PsYchotic666Joker
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They must make them dumber in the 4th Era.


But all things considered, I think the reason they didn't bring back levitate, at least, was because the dungeons would be broken so easily.


But there is just no excuse for spears and crossbows at least.


Luckily it will most likely be part of an expansion.

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Isn't hand-to-hand called unarmed now?


And I'm pretty sure they cut acrobatics because it was done pretty weirdly in Oblivion, where you train in it by jumping a lot.


Besides I tend to think that 200 years changes a place.


I mean that Stahlrim stuff might have run out, or perhaps the only tombs we've seen are the Dragon cult tombs.

No, there's no unarmed/H2H. There's one crap perk in heavy armor of all places and that's it. The only thing that happened in 200 years was Beth sold out even more than they did with Oblivion.

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Yes of course they sold out.


Of course they didn't listen to us and totally not put in features that lots of people have asked for.


Of course they didn't put in a much wanted creature.


Of course they hire at least a dozen more people to work on interior design.


Yes of course they decided to just take your money and fist you with it.

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