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[LE] Checking if an actor is dead in an active magic effect script

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I'm working on a script for a playable Wispmother that, at different amounts of health, will either spawn wisps or shades as long as the current set of wisps or shades are dead. Problem is, I can't seem to script it so that when the actors die, the game recognizes that and registers for another update to spawn more. This is what I have so far:


Scriptname OrbSpawnScript extends ActiveMagicEffect


Actorbase Property Orb01 Auto
Actorbase Property Orb02 Auto
Actorbase Property Orb03 Auto
Actorbase Property Shade01 Auto
Actorbase Property Shade02 Auto
Spell Property orbspawn auto
Float Property Shadehealth Auto
Int LiveOrbs
Int LiveShades


Actor orb1
Actor orb2
Actor orb3
Actor shade1
Actor shade2

objectReference orb001
objectReference orb002
objectReference orb003


Event onEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)



Event onUpdate()

If Game.GetPlayer().getactorvaluepercentage ("health") > shadehealth && LiveOrbs<= 0
LiveOrbs = 3
orb1 = Game.GetPlayer().placeactoratme(orb01)
orb2 = Game.GetPlayer().placeactoratme(orb02)
orb3 = Game.GetPlayer().placeactoratme(orb03)

If Game.GetPlayer().getactorvaluepercentage ("health") < shadehealth
shade1 = Game.GetPlayer().placeactoratme(shade01)
shade2 = Game.GetPlayer().placeactoratme(shade02)


EVENT onActivate(objectReference actronaut)
; debug.trace("Wisp Activated")
if actronaut == orb001 || orb002 || orb003
; debug.trace("Actronaut was one of my orbs")
liveOrbs -= 1

Event OnDying(Actor akKiller)


The OnActivate event was pulled from the original wispmother script since it was used to track when her orbs died, but I can't seem to actually get it to work. Is there a way to perform this kind of function within an active magic effect script? Any help would definitely be appreciated, since I've kind of hit a wall here and nothing I've tried has worked.

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You're going to need a script on the orbs themselves containing an OnDeath event (or polling, but polling sucks). You can do that a variety of ways. If these actor bases are unique to your mod and unlevelled, you can add the script directly to them. Otherwise you'll need to make use of magic effects or quest aliases.

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Gotcha, thankfully that is the case, since I copied the orbs over from the original ones, so they have a static level and are NPCs unique to the mod. I'm assuming I'd have to reference part of the magic effect script in the new actor script I make and attach to the orbs, so I'm guessing there's a way to do that. Real talk thanks for the help, I'll do some research later this evening!
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I'm a little stuck again (this script is the most complex one I've tried to mess with) and I can't figure out how to import the LiveOrbs and LiveShades int lines from the original script to the new one I'm putting on the actors, since I need to subtract an integer from those each time one of the creatures dies to get the count back to zero so more can spawn. I'm looking into global variables in the meantime to see if I can figure something out that way.

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I'm a little stuck again (this script is the most complex one I've tried to mess with) and I can't figure out how to import the LiveOrbs and LiveShades int lines from the original script to the new one I'm putting on the actors, since I need to subtract an integer from those each time one of the creatures dies to get the count back to zero so more can spawn. I'm looking into global variables in the meantime to see if I can figure something out that way.


Don't bother. Those states can remain tracked only in the activemagiceffect script.


What you do is:


1. Spawn them with placeatme. You're already storing the object references, so cast those variables to the script name you added to the actor. This will allow you to call functions, events, and propertiess of that script from the activemagiceffect script.

2. Create an ActiveMagicEffect auto property on the actor script.

3. Set that property from the activemagiceffect script to 'self'. In effect, this means the orbs will now know what activemagiceffect 'owns' them.

4. In the activemagiceffect script, have an event that updates the state of your orb counts and so on whenever it is called, taking an Actor as an argument. OnOrbDeath or similar.

5. In the actor script, have an OnDeath event that calls that event on the saved activemagiceffect script, passing "self" in as the argument.





scriptname SC64_WispmotherEffect extends ActiveMagicEffect

ActorBase Property OrbBase Auto
Actor[] OrbArray
int iLiveOrbs = 0

;set up the orbs
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    OrbArray = new Actor[3]
    int i = OrbArray.Length
    while i > 0
        OrbArray[i] = akTarget.PlaceActorAtMe(OrbBase)
        (OrbArray[i] as SC64_OrbActor).OwningEffect = self
    iLiveOrbs = OrbArray.Length

    ;any other setup stuff


;custom event
Event OnOrbDeath(Actor akDeadOrb)
    int iIndex = OrbArray.Find(akDeadOrb)
    if iIndex < 0
        OrbArray[iIndex] = none
        ;any other stuff you need to do

;clean up any remaining orbs
Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    int i = OrbArray.Length
    while i > 0
        if OrbArray[i] != none
            OrbArray[i] = none



scriptname SC64_OrbActor extends Actor

SC64_WispMotherEffect Property OwningEffect Auto

Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller)
    if OwningEffect != none


Fair warning: I haven't checked this for compilation and it doesn't do everything you say you want your script to do, but it demos how to pass information back and forth. Also it's extensible to more than just the player if you want to go that route.

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Oh man thank you so much for taking the time to write that out, even if it doesn't compile it gives me ideas to work with. And the other stuff isn't a big deal anyway, since spawning the shades is just dependent on health and the NPC wisp mothers tend to spawn them with extreme prejudice anyway. I can work that in no problem.
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