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Mod Manager for Mac?


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Hi Joshua.


Like you, I've got a mac and I play Skyrim. BUT I boot it in Windows ! It's more convenient for this game and his mods... I suppose you're using X11, Wine or something like that. I'm sorry but none of us seems to have an answer. Use bootcamp, install the graphical drivers, install the game and its mod manager... It works as well as any other computer.

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i have been playing skyrim now for about a month and im using a 13inch macpro. It runs fairly well 2.4 ghz core 2duo 8gb 1067mhz ddr3. I only wish i didnt have to run bootcamp or use wine or something like that it is just a massive hassle. Anyone know of other ways besides these to mod manage, for the incompotent macker?
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  • 8 months later...

Same issues with Morrowind. My bestie (super techie clever) cider ported it over to my Mac when my little gaming pc died, been trying to get the mods in since. Can't afford the official software to run windows on my Mac, so there's got to be an answer. I don't care if I've got to go into the game files and retype code, just need to know exactly where everything goes (explained for someone who isn't a technical genius). Anyone with answers? Or a Mac friendly mod manager? :)

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